I've seen footpaths in some parts of the capital, but in most places people and animals walk on the sides of the roads. The nightly rainstorms have ended, and soon the muddy paths will turn to sand. Whether sand or mud, I like the feel of the surface against the soles of my feet. If there is traffic it can be quite noisy because drivers honk their horns every time they see someone (or, when it is dark, each time they enter a bend). I don't know if this is to warn pedestrians or if it is another manifestation of the Gambian friendliness.

Another consequence of the end of the hot season for me is an increase in my walking speed. When I first arrived, the heat forced me to slow down. Friends reading this know that I despise slow walking (reasons here). It is also lovely walking out here at night. There are lots more stars visible compared to what you can see in London. I think I'll go do that right now.